1952 – Bank Holiday Event

Watson Mason2Terry Lennox recalls in a letter dated 8th Nov 2005

 “I recall Tex (McAuley) had something to do with the Bank’s Social Golf. It is possible he arranged social golf on the Bank Holidays prior to 1952. Having established these days, he could have approached the Welfare officer (Cliff Jones) to officially support the Bank Holiday event and provide some funds for prizes etc. ……I am not sure but I am inclined to assess that this was the only fixture he arranged”.

The above, no doubt gave rise to the annual Bank Holiday event, which was first contested in 1952. Bank Notes of September 1955 states that the “Welfare – Watson Mason Cup” was donated by the Welfare department.

I mention that Watson Mason retired from the Bank on 18th Sept 1953 after having achieved executive status in the Bank. He was also Chairman of the Welfare Committee. Thus, the Trophy for best Scratch score on Bank holiday became known as “Welfare – Watson Mason Cup.