About Us


The CBA Sydney Golf Club is made up of club members who are either current or past CBA employees or friends of an existing member. The club is run by a committee who volunteer their time to ensure all operations of the club are running as smoothly as possible. The club first started back in 1956 with a few members and has now grown to be a stable social golf club with games that regularly have fields of 30+ players. Further information on the club’s history can be found in the History tab.

The club holds regular committee meetings throughout the year to review recent activities and to plan any upcoming golfing events. An annual general meeting is also held at the end of each year in December to discuss and report on the club’s operations throughout the year. The AGM is also where the new committee is elected for the following year.

At the 2022 AGM, the 2023 committee & patron were elected as follows:

President – Richard Mair

Captain – Steve Chan

Secretary – Dave McCann

Treasurer – George Emerson

Handicapper – Stephen McCammond

Booking Officer – Graham Flanagan/Peter Bendeich

General Committee – Warren Francis, Michael Vickers, Rudi Minbatiwala, Ben Franklin, Michael Parker

Club Patron – Peter Bendeich